Welcome to Shutter the Dark, where the Bible's news makes its mark. Tune in and ignite the spark. Dive deep. Welcome to Shutter the Dark podcast. Today, we're gonna be talking about the biblical foundations of love. We're gonna start out with John thirteen thirty four to thirty five. And what brings this subject up is we are living in such a divisive time where people do not talk to one another. They they get upset because of political point of views. They don't do things to help other people because of politics. But what does Christ call us to do? Well, John thirteen thirty four through thirty five, a new commandment I give that you love one another just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another. Thank you very much for coming and listening. We appreciate that. John chapter thirteen comes along during the Lord's supper, his last supper. So he points out love. And just as I have loved you, just as I have loved you, Jesus loves us when we ask him into our heart, we give our lives to him and he loves us unconditionally. That is what we're supposed to do. So whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, But if you know Christ, your first point is to show that empathy, that love, you know, you gotta show the empathy, you gotta start listening to other people, avoiding harsh words, praying for those who with opposing views. And if you think they're wrong, keep praying for them and continue to talk to them and let them talk to you. Listen to what they have to say. Because we can't let politics send someone to hell. That's just not, it's more important that they know Jesus. You know, I mean, we have many social issues and it's just so much. But what can we do? We can engage in a respectful conversation with someone of a different political view. We can show them empathy. We don't need to come back with our own opinion or use harsh words or to attack. We don't need to, we need to pray daily for unity in the church and our nation. This is super, super important as if we don't pray for the unity, then who's going to, and God wants us to love on it. I am one of the people that this podcast needs to be heard by because I get into, oh, this is right. That is wrong. What are they thinking? But that's not taking their point of view into consideration, Whether it be biblical point of view or a secular point of view, I still need to love that person. I still need to make sure that my point of view is not the point of view that is supreme in that conversation. It may be the correct point of view, but we're called, you know, in Matthew five nine, blessed are the peacemakers for they are called the children of God. We're peacemakers. We're supposed to be making peace and loving one another, you know. And how can we model Christ's love when we become angry or emotional about something. God's God's got this. We we have to pray for him. We have to show empathy. We cannot let our emotions get carried away, and their soul going to heaven is so much more important than you or I being right about a subject. God is running this and God has this. So we need to make sure that we are here to be a ear, to listen, to depart wisdom, show grace in the conversation, separate the person from the opinion, seek to understand before being understood. These are just things that we need to really work on because honestly, I'm the same boat as everybody else. I get emotional sometimes and I have to stop myself. I have to stop, put on the brakes and say, you know what? You are more important than my opinion of your political view. So we're bringing this to an end. I just wanted this is one of a series that we're going to be doing about showing our love, about being the Christians that we need to be. Find that, common ground, be the peacemaker, show Christ's love. That's it for Shutter the Dark. We're gonna stop the dark. We're gonna open that shutter on that camera and let that light in. Until next time, we appreciate you. Thank you for listening. And remember, we want to be his disciple.